Michelle Rivas

Michelle Rivas

Michelle is a health and wellness writer and communications director in Chicago. Michelle received her undergraduate degree in Journalism from Arizona State University and her master's degree in Health Communication from DePaul University.

  • Living with condition: 11 Years
  • Location: Chicago, US

About Michelle Rivas

As a health and wellness aficionado, Michelle can frequently be found running around Chicago training for a marathon, trying new gyms and classes, and trying to perfect her grandmother's arroz con pollo recipe with cauliflower rice. She was a Hispanicize TECLA Award finalist in 2015, received the Latina Magazine 30 Under 30 Award, the Best Latina Blogger Award in 2014, and the Cosmo for Latinas Blogger Award in 2013.  

A brief history with condition

Michelle was diagnosed with asthma as an adult in her early twenties and has lived with asthma for 6 years. As an avid runner, she was not willing to let asthma keep her from doing the races and activities she loved. She hopes her writing will inspire others to remain active with asthma and take control of their health.

Stories by Michelle

Couple snuggling on couch, having fun despite asthma

What to Do When Asthma Is a Relationship Buzzkill

By Michelle Rivas
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What to Do If Your Colleagues Don’t Believe You Get Migraine Attacks

By Michelle Rivas
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Woman working at laptop, struggling with migraine-triggering eyestrain when not wearing her glasses

An Undiagnosed Vision Problem Was Contributing to My Migraines

By Michelle Rivas
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Woman relaxes on sofa with a cup of tea, staying calm in the days after an asthma flare-up.

Why You Need to Be Kind to Yourself After an Asthma Flare-Up

By Michelle Rivas
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Woman with asthma laughing with supportive friends in her gym class

Afraid to Ask for Help with Asthma? Here’s How I Got Support

By Michelle Rivas
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Woman with asthma drinking red wine with friends outside as the sun sets.

Managing Asthma Through Lifestyle Changes — Without Losing Your Lifestyle

By Michelle Rivas
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Woman looking at city doubtfully as she thinks about its suitability for asthma and her future family.

Will my Kids Have Asthma: How I Manage the Uncertainty

By Michelle Rivas
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