Rob Obey

Rob Obey

Heart Failure (CVD) Patient Stories

On his blog, Rob explores living with heart failure, chronic kidney disease, and fibromyalgia. He also writes extensively about traveling in a wheelchair and caring for his partner, who has rheumatoid arthritis.

  • Living With Condition 5 Years
  • Location: Liverpool, United Kingdom

About Rob Obey

Rob is a chronic illness blogger, freelance writer, and full-time caregiver.

On his blog, Rob explores living with heart failure, chronic kidney disease, and fibromyalgia. He also writes extensively about traveling in a wheelchair and caring for his partner, who has rheumatoid arthritis. 

Rob has been published online, in print, and has been on several radio shows. 

On his award-winning blog, Rob writes with humor, emotion, and honesty. Audience enjoyment is at the heart of his every word.

History with the Condition

Rob says: 

At the age of 50, I was fit and healthy. I walked long distances, pushed Bridget around the UK in her wheelchair, and spent my spare time promoting access in the travel industry.

A year later, I had a heart attack. I was then diagnosed with heart failure, lost a kidney to cancer, and was in constant pain with fibromyalgia.

Today, I still have limited mobility and am in pain and breathless most of the time. My ability to push a wheelchair these days is almost non-existent.

Articles By Rob Obey

Man lying on the sofa struggling with an intense stomach ache

Was Uncontrolled Diabetes the Cause of My Heart Failure?

By Rob Obey
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The Problem with Not Talking about Heart Failure

By Rob Obey
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5 Ways I Will Give My Heart a Fighting Chance

By Rob Obey
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